Is your NC IDD agency still documenting NC Innovations Waiver goal progress on paper grid sheets? Is your staff tired of writing the same time in, time out, duration, date, and initials on each and every page of goals their client has (not to mention signing all those backs)? Are your QPs and other administrators bogged down by hand-checking every page of every grid sheet to make sure every page matches?
Paper Documentation Mistakes are Common and Costly
One tiny mistake on your paper grids can mean a costly payback for your agency if audited. A series of inadvertent, unnoticed documentation mistakes could leave your agency in financial ruins and at the brink of a shutdown. That’s why it’s so important that every page of grid sheet documentation is accurate and matches what your agency has billed to Medicaid.
Paper Documentation is Labor Intensive
With a former IDD service provider on our staff, we know how much time and energy goes into checking paper grid sheets. Plus all those QP labor hours you’re paying out to complete a task much better suited to technology. Let us help your agency get away from the paper shuffling, once and for all!
ConnectCare is the Solution
Introducing ConnectCare… a completely mobile, cloud-based documentation system that makes tracking NC Innovations Waiver goal progress a breeze, integrates seamlessly with your existing systems, and frees up staff and administrator time for what’s really important – providing high-quality, billable services to the individuals that make up your agency’s client base.
Designed With Ease-of-Use in Mind
Do your staff use social media sites on their smartphones? Then they will have no problem using ConnectCare. That’s because we built ConnectCare to mimic the simplicity of those sites that are already familiar to most everyone. User-friendly design, one and done data entry, optional integrations, and essential admin reporting are what make ConnectCare attractive in an industry filled with clunky, difficult-to-use systems.
How Does ConnectCare Make Grid Sheet Documentation Easier?
Using the traditional paper documentation grid sheets, staff must hand-write their time in and out on each and every page. A QP must then check each grid entry, ensuring that the prompts make sense, progress is accurately tracked, and the times, dates, initials, and signatures match on every single page. Clients can have anywhere from 1-10+ pages of goals for each NC Innovations service, meaning that checking the documentation for just one client every month can eat up hours of expensive labor time.
ConnectCare changes all that by using a “one and done” philosophy. Staff are only required to enter their time in and out one time for each service, then the system automatically populates this information everywhere it needs to be. This prevents time-consuming repetition of data entry, ensures the vital information on each grid sheet matches perfectly, and generates reports that show exactly what can be billed based on submitted documentation.
Make ConnectCare Even Better With Optional Integrations
Take your ConnectCare experience to the next level with a variety of optional integrations, including:
The best part? You don’t have to change your existing systems to make them work with ConnectCare. So if you love using QuickBooks for payroll or just started using new software for billing, no problem! We can connect to those existing systems to transfer the relevant information based on your agency’s custom schedule. That means no more hand-keying in billing units or flipping through paper timesheets…let ConnectCare do the heavy lifting for you, all behind the scenes!
Schedule a ConnectCare Demo for your NC IDD Agency Today!
Ready to see how ConnectCare can revolutionize the way your NC IDD agency collects and stores Innovations Waiver documentation? Schedule a demo by contacting Jeff Wilt, CEO of ConnectCare, at (614) 734-4719 or
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