If you provide services to any IDD population, you’ve probably heard of EVV, or Electronic Visit Verification. In this post, we discuss what EVV is, why it is important, and a simple EVV integration to our already user-friendly electronic documentation system.
What is Electronic Visit Verification?
EVV is a tool that has emerged over recent years as a way to verify that behavioral health services are being provided and billed correctly. Some services have specific rules about where they may be provided or where they should start and end. When staff arrive at the location where services are to be provided, they must verify their location via GPS along with some other details about the individual being served. This EVV data is then compared to the IDD agency’s billing to ensure services are being provided in the correct place.
What Does EVV Capture?
EVV is designed to capture the following information about services provided to individuals receiving behavioral health benefits:
GPS location at the beginning and end of each service
Date of service
Time each service begins and ends
The name/billing code of the service being provided
The name of the client receiving the service
The name of the staff providing the service
Why is EVV Important?
EVV proves that each staff member began and ended the service as scheduled and that they were in the correct location (the client’s home, workplace, day program, etc.) when the service was provided.
Without EVV, IDD providers cannot know that the individuals they serve are being served in the correct locations at the correct times without making an in-person visit during every scheduled shift. Obviously, this is impossible for providers who do not always provide services in the same location or cover large geographic areas.
If staff take the individuals they work with out into the community or provide services in the individual’s home, providers would need many administrators just to track the comings and goings of staff each day.
EVV provides documented proof that the staff was where they should be, when they should be there, and they provided the exact service for billing to Medicaid or other third party payers.
How Does EVV Improve Care of Individuals with Behavioral Health Needs?
EVV holds staff accountable for providing IDD services in the correct place, on the correct date, and at the correct time. This ensures that services are provided on the correct schedule, building consistency and routine in the client’s life. EVV also holds agencies accountable to only bill for services that were actually provided and can be GPS verified.
Any staff working with individuals diagnosed with IDD can tell you how crucial consistency and routine are to those individuals. Optimal outcomes will never be reached with a messy, haphazard schedule that leaves everyone in the dark about what happens next. Instead, EVV ensures that everyone knows what to expect, where to expect it, and when to expect it.
What About EVV and Fraud?
It is true that creating stability in service recipient’s schedules is not EVV’s only purpose. EVV is also a great way for regulators to track down billing fraud. In 2020 alone, the Department of Health and Human Services took almost 350 people to court for defrauding over $6 billion from federal healthcare programs. EVV can eliminate some of this fraud by requiring agencies to prove that services were provided in the enrolled individual’s home or day program, instead of just requiring documentation after the fact which can be easily fabricated.
Make EVV Easy with ConnectCare
Each state has its own method for capturing and reporting data collected via EVV. While your agency may be offered use of a free software for this purpose, we all know how difficult and cumbersome those “free” options can be. And if you and your staff are spending precious hours trying to figure out the free solution, what is the real cost?
You’ve probably found yourself wishing for an easier solution if your agency is already collecting EVV data using the state-supplied “free” method. What if you could capture EVV data at the same time as service documentation without staff having to manually enter the same data into different systems?
With the ConnectCare electronic documentation system, that compatibility is possible. ConnectCare allows agencies the flexibility to integrate with EVV software, streamlining the EVV reporting process. When the EVV software integration is in place, staff can simply login to ConnectCare on their mobile device at the service location and capture the required EVV data in just a few clicks. It’s that easy!
Combine Integrations for the Best ConnectCare Experience
Through our range of optional integrations, staff enter their time in and out for each service just one time, and ConnectCare inputs this information everywhere it needs to be. This prevents time-consuming repetition of data entry and ensures that the time billed for the service matches the time provided to the individual being served and time paid to your staff.
For example, pair our optional EVV and billing software integrations to make accurate billing a breeze by including the state-required EVV data in your billing submissions, regardless of which billing software you use. Say goodbye to time-consuming billing denials with a comprehensive system that puts all the pieces together for you!
We offer optional integrations with all types of existing software, including:
Electronic Health Records (EHR)
Transitioning all your existing software platforms to an all-in-one system is time-consuming, costly, and confusing. If you want a solution that is designed to work with the software you already use, we’d love to speak with you about how versatile ConnectCare can be! Contact us today for more information on all of our customization and integration options.
Schedule a ConnectCare with EVV Integration Demo Today!
Don’t let EVV requirements and clunky data-entry methods cause you any more stress. The ConnectCare electronic documentation system with an optional EVV integration for IDD and autism populations is the best solution for collecting accurate, real-time data required for prompt reimbursement from Medicaid or other third party payers.
Find out how ConnectCare can seamlessly integrate with your existing systems with a one-on-one demo. You’ll be amazed at how much of your time, energy, and stress can be saved by opting for a professionally designed system made for simplicity instead of a cumbersome state-supplied “free” option. Call us at (614) 734-4719 or email jeff@connectcareonline.com to get started today!
Photo by GeoJango Maps on Unsplash