There’s a lot of talk these days about the benefits of allowing staff to enter their goal documentation electronically, and with good reason. Electronic documentation systems allow service providers to use client data in ways never imagined! Even though the pros of making the switch to an electronic documentation system far outweigh the cons, there are still many factors administrators should consider before taking the plunge.
If you’re considering implementing an electronic documentation system for your IDD or ABA agency, you may be asking yourself:
If electronic documentation isn’t yet required in my state, should I even bother?
Yes! Electronic documentation might not be required in your state, but the writing is on the wall. It’s not if, it’s when. Waiting until your governing department mandates electronic documentation may seem like a good idea, but you will quickly realize your mistake as you attempt to make the transition at the same time as hundreds or even thousands of other agencies. Vendors and regulatory departments will be flooded with help requests and IT issues related to the mandated switch and you’ll likely spend precious hours or days just waiting for answers as an implementation date looms.
Don’t get stuck in the hoard by waiting until the last minute to make the switch. Stand out from the crowd by offering your clients and staff the ease, convenience, and functionality of a reputable electronic documentation system that specializes in the IDD and ABA therapy services your agency provides.
What are the benefits of an electronic documentation system?
A high-quality electronic documentation system will save you time and money like few other service investments can. Just a few of the benefits you’ll enjoy with a trustworthy and responsive electronic documentation system like ConnectCare are:
Much higher documentation accuracy as staff are able to enter their data in real time, as services are provided. Since staff don’t have to wait until the end of their shift to document, details are still fresh and therefore don’t get missed.
Reduced administration and staff time making corrections to documentation.
Staff enter their time in and out one time, and the system populates it everywhere it needs to be, from time sheets to grid sheets.
Want your staff to still have access to the client’s information that is only available on paper? No problem! With our integrated document and image upload feature, you can attach the client’s entire paper record to their ConnectCare profile, giving your staff access to all their important info without carrying around a clunky binder.
Flawless integration with your existing EHR, payroll, and billing software (optional). This guarantees that you only bill insurance and pay staff for time you actually have documentation for, making state, insurance, and Medicaid audits a breeze.
Increased staff job satisfaction from eliminating repetitive unnecessary documentation requirements.
Easy to access reports that show trends in client data that would be almost impossible to identify using traditional pen and paper documentation methods.
More intuitive goal planning based on trends identified in client data.
Easier to provide justification for the continuation or increase in services based on the progress a client makes on goals.
Completely customizable system that can be implemented on your schedule, even if it’s just one client at a time.
Compliance with your state’s electronic documentation and signature laws.
While implementing any new system for your business will require an initial time and cash investment, you’ll get that back in no time with all the time and cost-saving benefits your agency will receive with a system like ConnectCare.
Will electronic documentation have a positive impact on client care?
Certainly. When providers can manipulate and visualize client data in new ways, they can identify trends in progress and behavior that were previously hidden. These trends can be used to develop new goals or modify current goals to better meet the needs of the client. For example, consider a client that usually does a great job washing their hands, but staff notice based on the client’s data that they always require more prompting to wash their hands on Mondays. By identifying this trend, staff can narrow down the cause of the hand washing issue to most likely the person was not made to wash their hands over the weekends, and can then take necessary steps to correct the issue.
Or what about a client who is at risk of having their services cut due to lack of progress? With easy to understand data representations, ConnectCare allows you to show regulatory overseers exactly what progress your clients are making, adding credibility to requests for continued or increased service authorizations.
How can my agency switch to electronic documentation today?
If you are convinced that electronic documentation is an inevitable, useful, and beneficial service for your organization, then trust the electronic documentation professionals with ConnectCare to get your agency up and online. We’ve helped small agencies who provide IDD and ABA therapy services to a wide variety of clients, and we’d love to help your agency take the digital plunge too! Call us at (614) 734-4719 or schedule a demo online and find out how ConnectCare might be the electronic documentation solution you’ve been searching for.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels